make good things,
sell good things,
for use good things.
T・N Jの設立は、全国の産地に散在する、ユニークな服地づくりをする機屋を集めた、WFTF(ワールド・ファッション・トレード・フェア、大阪)の<企画コーナー>(1996),<テキスタイル・ロード>(1997)が、大好評であったことに始まる。
1998年、“TN展”の名称で、産地横断型合同商談展示会と、出展メーカーの交流会とを、年二回、会場を新たに、自主開催。その後、“TN JAPAN”と改称(2009年、海外への発信強化を目的に)し、現在にいたる。公的な補助金、助成金などは受けていない。TN Jは、対象顧客を、“素材を活かした服づくりのアパレルメーカー”とさだめ、服地の創作に励み、提案し続けてきた。
来場者を、アパレル・デザイナー、アパレル素材のバイヤー(アパレルメーカー、企画会社など)に絞り、服の創り手と服地の創り手がFace to Faceの話し込みをつうじて、ビジネスパートナーを見出し、自販している。海外のブランド・アパレルとの取引も多くなるなど、当初の目的を達しつつある。
TN Jは、“争わず、オンリー・ワンへの細分”で魅せる合同個展へ、と進化した、ニッチトップを目指す服地メーカー同志の活動体である。
このような、コンセプトに基づく商談展示会の、日本事始めは、TN Jであり、JCよりも前である。
Private Joint Exhibition by Textile Craftsmen throughout Japan
The establishment of TN J began following the WFTF (World Fashion Trade Fare OSAKA) where two booths which gathered unique fabric from weaving shops (such as cloth and dress material) were set up. These booths were [Textile Road] (1997 WFTF) and [Planning Corner] (1996 WFTF).
These booths were set up by renting space (a corner) of the WFTF. Exhibitors and visitors left positive feedback about the practicality of the two booths and expressed a desire to see these booths set up regularly.
Following this a booth called “TN Exhibit” was organized twice at the business negotiation exhibition across producing areas and exchange meeting of manufacturers in 1998. After that, the name was changed to “T・N JAPAN” in 2009 in order to promote international recognition and spread information about the company.
At the time, IT wasn’t publicly subsidized and didn’t receive aid grants.
They also focus on making contact with apparel designers and apparel buyers (such as planning companies) with which to do house sales directly, face-to- face.
TN J has begun to expand our business clientele to apparel brands from abroad who also desire reliability and quality.
TN J has been evaluated by exhibitions as being `without competition`.
Fabric manufacturers in the community aiming to be the Top of the `Niche
TN J participates in the exchange and co-development of materials and material processing technology, as well as the exchange of information pertaining to manufacturing and distribution logistics. The end result is both the evolution of fashionable quality and that of business service and global positioning.
TN J is the first the business negotiation exhibition in Japan based on these concepts, developed even earlier than JC.